Frequently Asked Questions - Blasterz.eu

What is Blasterz.eu?

Blasterz.eu is an online shop specializing in electric water guns, gel blasters, and bug blasters. Our goal is to provide customers with high-quality blasters at affordable prices.

What is the range of your blasters?

The range of our blasters varies depending on the model, but most have a range of up to 40-50 feet.

Are your blasters safe for humans?

Yes, all of our blasters are safe for humans. They use either plaint water or, table salt or gel balls that is safe for both adults, animals and children.

What is the return policy for Blasterz.eu?

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 days for a full refund. Please refer to our Return Policy for more information.

What is the shipping policy for Blasterz.eu?

We offer free shipping on all orders over €50 and ship to all countries within the EU. Delivery times vary depending on your location. Please refer to our Shipping Policy for more information.

How can I contact customer service at Blasterz.eu?

You can reach our customer service team by using the Contact Us page on our website. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

What payment methods do you accept at Blasterz.eu?

We accept many different payment options, all depending on the country you live in. PayPal, Klarna, Credit- and Debit-cards and bank transfer.

What is the warranty for Blasterz.eu products?

All of our products come with a 1-year warranty. If you experience any issues with your Blasterz, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

Do you offer any promotions or discounts for Blasterz.eu products?

Yes, we offer promotions and discounts from time to time. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our latest deals.

We hope this FAQ section has answered your questions about Blasterz.eu. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.